Friday 1 October 2010


10th Septmember 2010       Mrs Fisher

Learning objective: To be able to identify's a films genre.

Conventional: What you expect (from a genre)
Unconventional: What you would not expect (from a genre)
Diegetic sound: The sound that comes from the film world.
Non-diegetic: The sound wouldn't be heard in the film world

We did a task where we had to choose two genres and decide on what elemet you would expect from this genre, below is the table of the work i done.

We watched the beginning of the film Twilight, opening to the film is below. This activity would help me on determing what genre the film would be. As i watched the film i heard dramatic sound throughout. This created suspense and tesion. The location of the begininng of the film was at a forest. From this i decided that this film would be a thriller. This is because a forest is sometimes seen as dagerous because its soo big you don't know what or who could be there; also no one lives in a forest so if a murderer killed someone no one would know. Finally there was quick jumpy camera movemnts. I think this was used to create tensio and suspense to the audience. From the quick camera movements i would think the film was either mystery, adventurous or sciece fiction. This is because these genres create suspese and exitement; quick camera movements would create this.This would help me when making my thriller film because i would know roughly what generic covections are expected of a thriller film. So when i make my film, people will know from my opening sequence that this is a thriller film from the convections that i will use.

Here is a clip from the film 'High School Musical'. As i watched this film there was many coventional elements that would go with the genre Musical. Firstly the location was at a High School. Because the name of the film is 'High School Musical', the location would mostly likely be set at a high school; if not then i don't think the name of the film would have been called High School Musical. During the film there was singing and dancing in many of the scenes. This is conventional to a musical genre film; so if i saw this i would straight away know that this is a musical genre film as no other genre bases their film on singing and dancing. This will help me in the making of my thriller film because it made me realise that the title of a film may also give away the genre of the film. Also that the name of the film should relate the the film somehow.

I watched a clip from the film 'Shaun of the dead'. When i watched this clip i thought that this film was horror/ comedy. This is because there was scenes of bloody zombies with limbs missing but still moving as though it was alive which is horror. Although there was blood and gore i find this film funny. This is because scenes such as when the men were trying to attack the zombies were funny because of what they were using to attack the zombies. This will help me in the making of my thriller film because it helped me to realised that props can be a factor that can make the audience decide on whether the film should be a comedy.

Here is the link to a clip from Shaun of The Dead:

Through this lesson i have learnt what some keywords mean such as diegetic and non-deigetic. This will help me in my work to make an opening scene to a thriller film because as i evaluate my work, i can use the appropriate key words which will gain me more marks and help improve my grade.


  1. To expand on your understanding you should refer to a varirty of geners including the Thriller genre and define the generic conventions for each.

  2. well done Tolu you have makde some good points and suggested ways in which your analysis will help you with your own production.
