Wednesday 10 November 2010

Film Censorship

2nd November 2010                    Miss lecointe

Learning objective: to understand the purpose of film certification and to apply your understanding to your own thriller film.

Lesson outcomes: Students will understand what a film certificate is and explain its purpose with detail and their own knowledge.

Film censorship is the age rating for films (target audience)

Film Certification

U- Universal
These films should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. These films should should be positive and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror; this means that there will be no use of weapons or drugs. The theme should be appropriate to a younger audience. There would be no use of bad language because this is aimed at young children. These types of films will contain to sexual content or activity. There may be kissing but nothing more sexual than that. The violence would be as much a threats, nothing else.

 PG- Parental Guidance Recommended

This is when films may have some scenes that is unsuitable for children. The theme may be about crime or domestic violence etc. Although these issues may be more serious, there is still no sex or full on sexual context. There is only mild bad language and moderate violence. Because this is still aimed at children, there is no use of illegal drugs and horror would not be intense. 

12- Suitable for people over 12
Films with this certificate use strong language like 'Fuck', but isn't used a lot; also the strong language must be justified by context. There can be some nudity and sexual activity There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood. Weapons and drugs if used must be justified by context and should indicate the dangers should not be glamorized.

12A- Suitable for people over 12. Any younger should be accomplished with an adult. This came about when spider man was released. Before Spider-Man's British theatrical release in June 2002, the BBFC gave the film a '12' certificate. Due to Spider-Man's popularity with younger children, this prompted much controversy. The BBFC defended their decision, arguing that the film could have been given a '15'. In late August, the BBFC relaxed their policy to '12A', leading Sony to re-release the film.

15- Suitable for people over 15With this certificate there may be use of strong language, but this is rarely acceptable e.g "cunt"; if this continues then it may be unacceptable. Extremely aggressive strong language isn't accepted. Nudity and sexual activities may be portrayed but without strong detail, although there can be strong verbal references to sex. Violence and horror may be strong but shouldn't inflict on pain and injuries. Scenes of sexual violence shouldn't be strong but brief. There's no emphasis on the use of easily accessible lethal weapons e.g knives. Drug taking may be shown but must show that it is unacceptable; the film must not promote or encourage drug use. My thriller film will be towards a 15 certificate. This is because the audience can relate to the characters more as they’re around the same age group.

18- Suitable for people over 18

There are no constraints at this level on theme, language, nudity or horror. The Board however, cut or reject the following content:
  • Any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts which is likely to promote the activity. This includes also instructive detail of illegal drug use
  • The more explicit images of sexual activity - unless they can be exceptionally justified by context
These divisions have employed from nearly 85 years of censorship. Censoring films started to be used during the 90's. There have been laws set by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) about what is allowed to be shown on a television. There are guidelines that film makers have to follow whilst making a film. As i am making a thriller film i need to be aware of these guidelines. Certificates are given to movies to control the appropriate footage that is used in the film for a certain target audience. From this research i will be able to decide on the most appropriate certificate right for the opening of my thriller film. I need to be aware that i don't have a budget in making it; all props and things needed for my film will be paid for from me and my groups own money. This means that me and my group need to be able to think of ways to create suspense with minimum resources.

1 comment:

  1. Tolu what you have produced is good however you must elobrate more and state how film censorship will help you with your production. you should suggest what film certificate you intend to give your production and state why.
