Thursday 11 November 2010

Opening credits

4th November 2010                         Miss Lecointe

Objective:To be able to identify the purpose of credits within a thriller film.

What's the purpose of ilm credit:
- Gives away the genre (text/ font)
- Introduces the cast
- Shows the title of the film
- Introduces the directors of the film (producers)
- Introduces the production companies

- The colours used
- The style of credits
- The use of generic convections of a thriller film
the order of appearance of the film 'Natural Born Killers'

White plain bold text with black shadows. But theres a red background and this could represent blood.

We watched a video from youtube of a grpup of students who made opening credits for a film. Here is the video:

Red was used to represnt blood and the style of the credits were like blood drops. This would show us that there is going to be blood in the film. This is a generic convention as blood may show danger or pain. The sound brought tension and created suspense. The sound created this by making the sound increase in tension. First the credits start with the production company then the actors. After this is the editiors and productors. Finally the writters and the directors of the film were shown. This will help me in my own producttion because now i know the order of the list of production crew in my film such as the editors and the producer.

We then watched the opening of seven. The colours of the credits was white, sketchy and flickering. The sound used was a rocky beat that slowly brought tention through the whole opening credit. First the main actors were shown. The most famous actors were shown, then the title. After that was the creator and the producers. The producers are shown last to show importance.

In films production always come up first, director of the film. Then the most famous actors get put up first, then less famous.

I then analysed a film called 'Panic Room'. The colours of the credits were white. The font was big 3-D capitals. The style of the credit was plain and bold. First the production company came up. After this was the few most famous actors in the movie, then straight after was the title of the movie. The size of the movie was larger than the other text. The camerawent from left to right to show the title of the film.

1 comment:

  1. You have showen a basic understanding of the purpose of opening credits however you must develope your understanding discuss opening credits in more detail and analysing their purpose. You must also relate your research to your own production.
