Thursday 27 January 2011


Here is my final piece of my thriller film - GONE

Do you think your thriller film was successful?
• Yes because of the generic conventions of a thriller film used
• The soundtrack which was suspense building and added tension from the actions used
• Lowkey lighting made the stalker look intimidating and sometimes mysterious
• Text used for credits was red and looked bloody to show that blood may be in the film
• Sound such as screaming made people feel sorry for the character
• The props used such as a letter from the stalker added mystery

How does your footage conform to existing media?
• Halloween Resurrection
• Generics used such as 3 S’s; surprise shock and suspense
• Narrative of girl in a vulnerable position
• We stuck to the thriller genre suitable for our target audience of people aged 15+

Discuss the representation of your characters
• A teenage girl and a male stalker
• Girl is the vulnerable character and seen as weaker sex because females are usually the hopeless characters in thriller films
• The male is the stalker and represented as more dominate because this is usually in most thrillers

What media production would distribute your film?
• LIONGATE because they have released successful thrillers such as Saw 3D

Who is the typical audience for your thriller film?
• Teenagers aged around 15 as there are scenes that is only suitable for people this age and above
• Both male and female so we added a male and female in the opening sequence
• People who enjoy watching thrillers and like the excitement it brings; also getting involved

How did you attract your audience?
• Soundtrack which built suspense
• Props used
• The use of stereotypical characters which is the vulnerable girl and the mysterious stalker
• By use of 3 S’s which make a film a thriller film
• The use of familiar locations such as bedroom
• Building suspense narrative

What have you learnt?
• How to use a tripod
• Use software’s on Apple Mac like Final Cut Pro
• Use a video camera
• How to work as a team
• What key elements make a thriller film
• What camera shots and angles and appropriate for what mode being created

Here is the sound of my evaluation:

1 comment:

  1. Well done Tolu you have produced a good final piece. You have reflected on your production coherently describing why your production fits in with existing thrillers.
