Thursday 20 January 2011


Me and my group decided to do a questionnaire to get feedback from my target audience. This questionnaire will help us know what kind of people will be more likely to watch our film. This will also help us to know what's keeps people interested when watching films. I went around the school and asked different people the following questions such. I asked people of different age so my result won't be biased.
Here is the question to my questionnaire:

Here are the results:

  1. Which gender are you? Male Female

    This result shows that out of all the people we asked, they are equally male and female. I asked this question because if I saw that there was more males then females asked then my results may be biased and not focus on the female side. But as my results are equal, it isn't biased. 
  1. Which certificate do you prefer to watch in a thriller film?
    12           15           18
I asked this question because I needed an idea of what appropriate age i should rate my thriller. From the results the majority of the audience said that it should be rated 15. Also I believed 18 to contain much more blood and gore. This would mean more props would be needed and a bigger budget.

  1. What interested you in watching a thriller film?
    Advertisements          Word of Mouth      Reviews Posters
I asked this question because I wanted to know how people became interested in thriller films. Be knowing this I would have an idea of the media institution that I would like to produce my film.  

  1. What do you expect to see in a thriller film?
    Murder/ Death         Weapons violence 
    victims/ Hero's

I decided to ask this question because i thought this would help me in what props or narrative i should add. From this results most people would except to see murder/ death in a thriller film. This will help me because now i can make sure that my thriller film will contain someone dying.

  1. Would you like a fast paced Thriller or a Thriller you really need to pay attention too?
I asked this question because I wanted an idea what pace my film should be. From asking this question I will decide what pace my sound should be. From the results I'm going to set my film slow but mostly fast. By doing this I will hopefully create suspense with the slow pace then create surprise and shock with the fast pace.

6.     What part of a thriller film do you prefer?
Chase Scene               Introduction of characters           Attacking scenes
events leading to demise of victim              Narrative           Emotions and cinematography                   Vengeance
I asked this question because I wanted to know what would interest the audience in a thriller film. From this I will be able to add this to my film which will make it interesting for the audience. Narrative was the highest from results. This shows me having a good narrative will interest the audience. I'll do this in my own film by adding surprise, suspense ans shock. So as I'll have a good narrative, adding the 3 S's will make my narrative more interesting.

  1. What makes a Thriller film in your opinion?                                                                                                         Chase scenes, Introduction of Characters, Attacking scenes, Events leading to demise of victim, Narrative, Vengeance Emotions & cinematography.
I asked this question because I wanted to find out the generic conventions of a thriller will by most effective. This will make my film more like a thriller. From the results cinematography and narrative had the highest results. From this I would make sure that I have an interesting narrative that is based around someone dying. I decided this because this is a generic convention of a thriller film. Cinematography such as close ups will make my film more like a thriller film because this will show that characters expresstions and if someone is dying then the close ups wil emphasis on their face xpressions which will add more sympathy.

  1. What types of actors would you expect to see in a thriller film?
I asked this question because I wanted to know what types of characters I will include in my film. From the results main characters was the highest following killer. So from this i will make sure that there is a main character that is focused on and there is a killer involved. As this is what people would expect, it will be seen as a generic convention.

  1. What type of setting do you think reflects a thriller theme?
    Outdoor               Graveyard           Creepy house
    Street                   other
I asked this question because I wanted to know what type of mise en scene I will include to make my film more like a thriller film. From the resuts creepy house and graveyard had the highest results. This gave me an idea that the location for my thriler film will be scary. So to make my film more like a thriller film I am going to make my location scary.

1 comment:

  1. Tolu you show that you understand the purpose of creating a questionnaire You have analysed the results of your questionnaire which is good. However you must reflect in more depth on the results and suggest how your results will help you with your production.
