Wednesday 19 January 2011

Preliminary Task

A preliminary task is a short task that me and my group had to do so we could get use to the equptment we were going to use in the production of our film. In our preliminary task, we had to film a minute long of footages containing shots such as long shot, two shot and panning.
This task helped me to get use to what cameras I’ll be using and how to use a tripod. I learnt that zooming to a correct speed was difficult; I went to fast. This task helped us to get use to the people who were going to be in my group. It also helped me to understand the responsibilities I may have to take up in the production of my film. We used the programmes that we were going to use in our final production. This allowed me to see what programme I was going to use and get use to the tools used to create certain effects.

Here are a few shots from the preliminary task:

Here is a panning shot of when the character is walking into a classroom.

Here is another panning shot of when the character walks into the classroom.

This is a reaction shot when we asked eachother questions.

This is a two shot of two peopkle talking.

This is a panning shot of someone leavng the room.

1 comment:

  1. You have stated the purpose of the task and the fact that the task has helped you to understand how to use the hardware such as the camera and tripod. To deepen your understanding of the task, state what else you learnt. Having watched your preliminary task on dvd what did you learn, how did it help you to prepare for your final production.
