Thursday 27 January 2011


After filming our thriller we had to edit it to make it into a opening of a thriller film. We were given a week to edit our whole opening thriller film into 2 minute being the maximum time. We were provided with Apple Mac’s to edit our movie with, as I had never used one before, I was worried I wouldn’t be much of a help but as most of the class didn’t know aswell I didn’t feel alone. When we were provided with a guide booklets I learnt the basics of the sofwares we were going to use and how to use it so I felt more relexed using this software. The software's we were asked to use was Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro. We had to split our groups into who was doing the music and who was doing the editing. As Luke Berry took the role of camera and sound, we thought it was best if he did the soundtrack of our thriller film on Logic Pro. Me and Hande decided to do the editing together on Final Cut Pro.

There was alot of things we could do on the software Final Cut Pro such as add sound and effects like dissolve. This would be an advantage to our opening sequence because we can use these effects and adapt it to make it more of a thriller film. On Logic Pro there were lots of sounds to choose from to make the soundtrack. As Luke was incharge, he choose a variety of sound he thourght was suitable for our film and allowed me and Hande to listen. When we found the sounds we all agreed on, we put it in the favourites section and Luke would then decide which sounds goes at which time of the opeing sequence. The sound was used to create tension building up in the appropriate times of the film leaving the audience at the edge of their seats.

In my opinion the negative that I thourght came up during the editing stage was I felt that I was doing more work than Hande while editing. This is because I was in most days actually editng while Hande would just sit next to me and watch say what is good and what is bad; not actually editing. This gave me more work to do and I felt I should do the work even if my group don't do much because I am the director/ producer and that role allows me to tell my group what to do. So with this role I did direct my group but I felt like I could have done more directing and taking charge.
On the other hand the positive that came was we worked well as a team and agreeing on the same thing which saved time; working well together aloud us to achieve the best grade possible. Also we achieved to finish the opening sequence in the time given.
Overall it took us around a week to edit the opening of our thriller. It took us the longest to decide on what font to do our opening credits. Here are some of the examples of credits we were deciding on. In the end we didn't use any of these because we thought they weren't generic conventions of a thriller film.

The experience of making my 2 minute opening sequence to a thriller film allowed me to develop my understanding on how to use software's on an Apple Mac such as Final Cut Pro. Whilst editing I learnt that it is not as easy to edit as I thought, I had to make sure that my scenes went with the soundtrack. Also i had to find and use edits that are conventional to a thriller film. This was difficult as I had a limited amount of edits I can use; this helped me to create a certain atmosphere to the audience.


  1. Tolu you have outlined the soft ware used to create your final production and the amount of time you had too edit. However you should aim to discuss the positives of the post production process and what you found difficult and how you overcame it.

  2. Well done you have given a proficient account of what took place during the post production process of your production.
